Monday, August 9, 2010

Warmth. Sunshine. Character: Inki's home in Austria

Hello! have you got over your monday-morning blues yet? You have? excellent...lets zip across the world in eighty nanoseconds shall we? Today I'm dreaming of Austria; let's go visit a new blogger friend, Inki. A graphic designer by profession, Inki has a self-confessed addiction to flea markets (my kinda gal!) and has a blog dedicated to cataloging her fabulous flea market finds. There's a picture a day, each worth a thousand words... (if, like me,  you can't read German, you can use the "translate" feature from google in order to understand the text). While you're at it, make sure you visit her flickr page as well. you won't be disappointed. Trust me.

A reading room like this? Yes her pink chair and the Russian pillow!! And what a handsome backdrop that bookcase makes!

Apart from her photography and her home which is absolutely charming, the thing that I like about Inki's blog is that it allows me a glimpse into her amazingly imaginative personality....intrigued? read on....

Her "toy story" corner. she believes that the deer comes to life and prances around the living room the moment she exits the room... there he is---frozen in action!

This wooden sign was found on a beach in  Finland. Inki says that her heart immediately went out to the beautiful piece of rotting wood, with its paint peeling off. Even though the lettering on the sign was illegible, she deciphered it (in her heart) to read "This way to the beach". She adopted it and placed it on a pedestal, to remind her of her holiday in Finland.

Vignette of three little elephants who marched their way into her house. her words. not mine! :)

a few corners from her home.....

Her sunny shelf.

Deer vignette.

Red bell. She says it is the "most useless object" in her kitchen. But what a delightful jolt of color!!

 Antique horse vignette.

Oriental corner.

Her dining room and the kitchen beyond. (click on the pictures for a larger image)

Close up of those teacups!

Her bedroom wall (this one's for you Patty!)

Bedroom zen corner.

Her antique teacups.

Inki, thank you for inviting us over to your charming home!!! You can catch up with Inki here. She loves company, so be sure to leave a comment!


  1. I could not take my eyes off of the the library and the Russian pillow. An inspiring post GB.

  2. A beautiful and striking home. Lovely post Gagan.

  3. Fantastic house!Loved every picture.She has great taste.

    Also,proud to say that i have a reading area just like that with white shelves and all the books arranged according to colour.It is probably suffer from OCD because I spent an entire afternoon arranging books by colour.hee hee.

  4. beautiful house. beaming with the warmth of the persons living in there.

  5. Its the most gorgeous home and collection of knick knacks I have seen in a long time. I love the shelf, the dancing deer and the three elephants. Not to mention the "bell".

  6. that bedroom wall is perfect! great post!

    xo Alison

  7. way tooooooo gorgeous... Well done!!

  8. Love the dining room and the bedroom pic is so perfect!

  9. @Geeta: I could spend many happy afternoons in a lovely sunny space like that. I so get you!

    @Anu: thanks! :)

    @Sumi: I want pictures proving the OCD! Puhleeeese! I'd love to take a peek into your space! :)

    @Sayantnai: :) I knew you'd like this!

    @Pree: yes, the "bell"..sometimes things are useful just by being pretty don't you think? :)

    @Alison...I think she has cut out wallpaper shapes and stuck them on (tho' it wasn't immediately apparent from the translated text). Lovely isn't it?

    @patty: the wall's for you, hon!

    @Neha: I loved the teacups lined up above the divider...charming home isn't it! So glad I found her! :)

  10. beautiful home....subtle details make a place a home...perfect!!

  11. Hahahaah, I also arrage my books by colours !

    LOVE HER HOME! Wow, Gagan, you really pick cool homes :). I love the overall understated white with burst of colours of the ost unexpected objects. Useless items, don't we have just too many of them ?:) but if they make us happy, then they can't be useless ! :)

  12. @Sudha: Inki mentioned that her apartment is really tiny...judging by the pictures, it's anything is to her credit that she has taken a small space and made it so beautiful and warm. sometimes we get hung up on space, but really, it is the quality that matters!!! :)

  13. @Sans! great to have you back...hope you're feeling recharged after your vacation!


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