Sunday, November 20, 2011

Life (or something like it....)

Had to share this quote with you. kind of explains where I'm at right now. Or not.

"My own life is full of these comparisons and contradictions. My father smears red paste on the forehead of small deities each morning. He sits cross-legged and sings along to devotional songs. I sit on a Herman Miller chair, use digital tools, and blare New Order songs, the whole while illustrating Hindu deities. He does his pujas twice a day and I try to do a little work before and after my day job every day. My father animates his faith through meditation and ritual. I use my Techincolor tools to reincarnate modern avatars. In my opinion we're both devoted and reverential, just in different ways, and for different reasons. We're also both continuing a tradition of art making and worship that stretches back thousands of years. What could be more common to the human experience?"
-Sanjay Patel; quoted from here, in the news and at his website.

Going off on a tangent, a whole host of cliches come to mind. "Work is worship" anyone? :) or perhaps, you'd like Khalil Gibran's version of the sentiment? Whichever way you put it, you can't help but agree.

And, a lovely video to go with those words (totally not related, but this is what I'm listening to as I'm putting together this post........)

Hope you're having a lovely Sunday!



  1. lovely Lullaby! hmmmm...interesting. r u at work?no good at guessing:(

    Nayana@ CherishDreamLive

  2. Hey Gagan. Thanks for the Diwali wishes. My bleated wishes to you too. Haven't exchanged words from a long time. Keep in touch.

  3. hey GB you are being missed in the blogworld... terribly and that lullaby is beautiful:)

  4. Love the video, some of my favourite artists!Thanks for sharing!

  5. "Work is worship", yes, I agree Gagan. Especially when you follow your passion and your heart and mind are in sync:):) Miss you:)

  6. Lovely Lullaby G! Where have you disappeared? we missed you on several events in our lives :-).


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