Friday, March 18, 2011

Listening to....


Won't you join me? It's clean up time, unpacking time, sift-through-memories terribly nostalgic. Heard this song the first time during the India trip...made me miss hubby terribly back then. :) Now that I'm back home, its pull hasn't lessened any, love the haunting voice and words even more. Straddling two worlds isn't easy is it? Tulsi tea and music to help me savor each moment....

How's your friday going?


  1. welcome back gagan! what a coincidence, I've been listening to "aaj din chadheya" by the same artist over and over this past week. his words get me everytime, and I can't help but feel nostalgic and sentimental all at once.

  2. Love the music and the movie too...thanks for reminding me and making me feel the magic

  3. Loved the song...somehow I don't remember hearing it before, even tho I've watched the movie.
    I know the feeling...torn between two worlds, especially when you come back from India.

  4. wow..bful r u doing...thanks for sharing...i m down thro memory lane

  5. Welcome back Gagan...we missed you...looking fwd to all your lovely posts...

  6. This is a beautiful song! Thanks for sharing Gagan. I have seen this movie but didn't r'ber the song at all. Maybe RFAK hadn't become famous till some time after this song.

  7. I know what you mean Gagan about straddling two worlds.....the best you can do is enjoy each world you're in at that moment! Think of it this way - you're so lucky to have 2 homes, you'll always be heading towards one of them :-)

  8. I know what you are talking about. My husband is lucky, his mom lives with us. But every time I go to India and come back, its like I leave a piece of me behind. It takes a lot of laundry, chauffeuring and chores before I can get over it.

    Welcome back and can't wait to see you back in action.

  9. Oh! Same here just got back from an amazing trip home! Where were you in india?

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Isn't it always better to have two much loved homes than one :) and two homes where you are loved equally :)

  12. Your lucky.. you've got two homes.. and two places to love.. Thats so so awesome!! I love this song..

    ha ha .. By the way.. I love being away from hubby for a while... specially leaving the kids with him.. and going away.. *grin*.. What a life!!

  13. Hey! nice song, just wanted to thank you for visiting my blog :) will keep in touch..

  14. its a beautiful song :)..thanks for sharing it..


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